This article, which has been published by the Maine Policy Review, details the five-year community-driven effort to develop, implement, evaluate, and expand the comprehensive Gateway to Opportunity model in Cumberland County. The article also explores how innovative work-based learning programs, such as G2O, are critical for Maine’s workforce and local economy.

2010 Report aiming to clearly articulate the YLAT model, both to aid other sites considering a similar approach, and to help the team as they determine their strategies for YLAT’s next decade of achievements. Its mission to map out what YLAT is and does. Following interviews, drafts, and revisions, with input from the Muskie School staff, youth members, DHHS, other stakeholders, and mapping the results.

2016 Parents and Families Manifesto. Parents and families need to bring their experience and expertise as equal partners in students’ education. We must seek active participation by all parents, especially those who face extra barriers. Real two-way communication requires extra effort to make sure people feel safe speaking up.

High School & Beyond: A Guide to Transition Services in Maine is a handbook which offers practical information about the transition process and services available to youth with disabilities in Maine. The transition from high school into the world of adulthood is an important milestone for all young people. Young people, families, schools, service providers, and anyone else working with transition aged youth can use this guidebook throughout the transition process.

This report describes the process and findings, discoveries and recommendations of the Maine Wabanaki-State Child Welfare Truth & Reconciliation Commission, whose mandate was endorsed in February 2013. The governor of Maine and the five tribal chiefs signed as equals to authorize the Commission to investigate whether or not the removal of Wabanaki children from their communities has continued to be disproportionate to non-Native children and to make recommendations, as the Declaration of Intent exhorts us, that “promote individual, relational, systemic and cultural reconciliation.”